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Ellenville NY Chiropractor Provides Acupuncture Solutions For Patients - covid-19 tracker


Ellenville NY Chiropractor Provides Acupuncture Solutions For Patients

By Darryl Kendricks

Chiropractors have certainly earned their reputation for providing their patients with truly effective natural relief from pain and discomfort. As a result, most people suffering from chronic pain now have at least some level of awareness about these services. Even so, many have yet to discover how an Ellenville NY chiropractor office can also assist them with acupuncture procedures.

Like chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture is a natural way to assist the human body in the healing process. It helps to correct imbalances, while promoting the natural healing that can help patients to avoid drugs and invasive surgeries. It can be used either instead of or in conjunction with traditional chiropractic manipulation techniques.

Both approaches share much in common, but take different routes to the same healing destination. Spinal adjustments and muscle manipulation is used to align the spine and relieve tension that directly impacts the body's nervous system. Acupuncture needles, on the other hand, directly impact and alter the body's energy flow.

The procedure entails the use of thin needles at meridian points throughout the body. These points are manipulated to channel energy and redirect it while eliminating harmful obstructions. Though spinal manipulation techniques are targeted toward movement problems and pain, acupuncture is used to deal with other issues too.

For example, this therapy can be used for menstrual difficulty, stomach pain, and arthritis. It has also been effective in alleviating migraine tension, allergies, digestive concerns, and depression. Some use it for smoking cessation efforts, while others have benefited from its ability to reduce serious fatigue conditions.

Patients who seek both therapies will discover that their results are often much greater and speedier than those received using only one method. Because of that, many chiropractors who use both of these methodologies often recommend that their clients avail themselves of a combination of these two highly effective natural therapy options.

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