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The Problem Of Finding Lactose Free Probiotics - covid-19 tracker


The Problem Of Finding Lactose Free Probiotics

By Olivia Cross

Scientific articles have revealed that if there are too many different bacteria in the digestive system, they compete against one other, and the concentration of the effective strains becomes limited. For this reason, taking a probiotic which introduces more of the beneficial bacteria, can restore a healthy balance in the gastrointestinal tract. Those who are unable to tolerate dairy do not have to worry as there are lactose free probiotics available from many health stores today.

It is very important to read nutrition labels carefully. You have to make absolutely sure that the products you eat do not contain dairy. Words like milk sugar, milk, curds, whey, milk by-products, nonfat dry milk powder and dry milk solids are included in many products and these will all affect you if you are intolerant to dairy. You also need to check expiration dates as these live cultures do not last forever.

Did you know that yoghurt and kefir can be made with a number of other ingredients besides dairy? A number of dairy-free versions of these foods can be found at local and online health food stores that can help boost probiotic intake. They are made from soy, coconut or almond milk and contain live cultures like lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Incorporating other foods like sauerkraut, sour pickles and sourdough bread into your diet can also help digestive health as these too are non-dairy sources of live cultures. Adding a probiotic drink to the diet is another option and non-dairy versions are available. A drink offers convenience that is appreciated by those with a busy lifestyle.

Of course many people prefer to take their supplements in the form of capsules or sachets as they find this easiest. Some capsules are far more effective than others and they all contain different strains and in various different combinations. Reading online reviews of these products can help with making a decision as to what to buy. The best probiotic will contain beneficial bacteria able to survive the stomach acids and remain effective.

Companies selling these products use different bases on which to cultivate the bacteria. For those on a dairy-free diet, those manufactured from a non-dairy base such as rice or soy are available and they are just as effective at regulating intestinal functions. Those grown on a dairy base may still contain small traces of the dairy.

A controversy exists over whether using a probiotic on a regular basis can actually improve digestion of dairy products. Some studies have suggested this is true while others contradict this theory. There are many conditions that are helped by introduction of good bacteria into the body. Autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive conditions and many other health problems appear to respond positively. The beneficial bacteria starves out the bad bacteria to promote a healthy balance in the gut.

Remember that a probiotic should be stored in the fridge to extend its life. Some capsules do have a shelf life outside of a fridge. However, it is important to remember that you are dealing with live cultures and it is easy to reduce life span and effectiveness if you are not careful. The good news is that finding a good, stable probiotic that does not contain dairy is possible today.

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