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The Importance Of A Cancer Rehabilitation Program Lakewood Oh - covid-19 tracker


The Importance Of A Cancer Rehabilitation Program Lakewood Oh

By Stella Gay

In the past life was so simple. People did not have to struggle much to afford a living, nature was full of resources and anyone could easily benefit from them. One could just go hunting and come back home with enough food for the family. This has however changed lately, there are rules and regulation protecting everything including the animals in the wild. The benefits of a cancer rehabilitation program Lakewood oh are numerous.

Poverty is the biggest problem facing people in the city of Lakewood oh. It can be defined as the state of one not having enough resources to cater for their basic needs. There are very many people who live below the poverty line in the communities. These people can hardly afford a decent meal and have to beg or wait upon government aid. It is very hard for a community with such a population to develop.

Education is one of the most vital investments for any person. Whether they are male or female it is very important that they receive adequate education facilitation so that they can grow to become effective members of the society. Illiteracy rates have however increased highly lately. This is due to the fact that many people either do not understand the importance or cannot afford it basically.

Insecurity has also posed another very dangerous problem in the society. People are scared to go to work because of terrorist attacks on their communities. This has led to very many losses in the work place as business has gone down over the years. This has led to reduced revenues for the cities and states as well. Violence has multiplied as people get shot each day that goes by.

Unemployment is the state where someone has no job. A number of factors cause this situation on people in the society. The commonest however are the lack of opportunity and also the lack of required capabilities for the jobs on offer. This condition leads to low levels of productivity in the city and high dependency rates too.

Last but not least is the situation with diseases. Many people have died due to infections by diseases. Quite a number of diseases disturb the people here. Many of these conditions have ready medications for treatment purposes. There are however those that cannot be treated and the best one can do is control the signs and symptoms.

Cancer is one of those very dangerous conditions that have no known treatment yet. A person suffering from cancer can only control the signs and symptoms of the disease but have no hope of curing. This terrible disease is caused by quite a number of things such as consumption of drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and many others. These drugs have substances in them that trigger cell mutation and hence irregular growth.

Despite the fact that cancer has no treatment, all hope is not gone though. There are ways in which the quality of life that a cancer patient can be improved greatly. One is first of all advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods. Chemotherapy is also advised in order to eliminate the mutated cells from the body.

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