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A Look At How Acupuncture Can Help Alleviate Pain Naturally With Michigan Holistic Doctor - covid-19 tracker


A Look At How Acupuncture Can Help Alleviate Pain Naturally With Michigan Holistic Doctor

By Lonnie Hahne

For patients suffering from pain, the quest for relief can be both confusing and frustrating. Doctors still have few solutions to offer other than pills, and many of today's patients are simply too leery of the side effects and potential addiction issues to want to go that route. As a result, they find themselves searching for alternative methods of therapy. That often leads them to a Michigan holistic doctor who provides those non-conventional therapies.

Among those solutions is an ancient technique from the Far East. Known as acupuncture, it has been practiced for thousands of years and has a long track record of success in dealing with pain. It has been growing more and more popular in recent decades, and is now a commonly-used form of pain therapy in many alternative therapy main management centers.

The thing about acupuncture is that almost everyone has heard of the name and has a rough idea as to what it entails. Few, however, can explain how it works. The technique involves thin needles inserted into the skin at chosen pressure points. The East's practitioners say that these points are the best access points for moving a body's energies. Research from western nations, however, indicate that the needles simply stimulate endorphin production and thus block pain signals.

There are many different conditions for which acupuncture has proved effective. These include things like lower back discomfort, carpel tunnel, arthritis, and even headaches. As a general rule, almost any type of body pain can be helped with this technique.

It can even help with more temporary problems such as digestive ailments, insomnia, nausea, and cramps associated with the menstrual cycle.

For all of these reasons and more, acupuncture has become an extremely popular therapy for patients enduring a great many types of medical conditions. Any patient experiencing difficulty with his current medical care could certainly benefit from this type of therapy.

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