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Reiki Art Certification Classes Are Conducted In Many Places - covid-19 tracker


Reiki Art Certification Classes Are Conducted In Many Places

By Beverly C. Ralph

The beginning student may start with an introductory class or two to determine if the practice of Reiki is something he or she is interested in. This Japanese technique is taught and practiced in class. There are requirements to earn reiki art certification.

Its advocates consider this to be an alternative medicine. A Japanese Buddhist, named Mikao Usui founded this practice. What practitioners are taught is that they are sending universal energy to the recipient through the palms of their hands.

The purpose of transferring this energy is to promote healing in the body of the recipient. The practitioners call it a universal life force based on qi. There is no concrete evidence that this is a medical treatment producing any results. It is referred to as a pseudoscience, not a science.

Becoming certified as a Reiki Art Master requires following a certain course of action. There is a specific class to qualify someone. There are prerequisites that have to be fulfilled before certification can be granted.

The candidate must first complete the classes, Reiki I and II. Then they must practice for at least six months. Finally, he or she must draw the three sacred symbols from memory.

Certification is granted by ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teachers. This instructional organization either approves or disapproves the candidate. It sounds official, however, there is no confirmation of the success of this practice.

Research has been conducted. However, there is no clinical evidence that it improves the health. It has been said that those who experience perceived health improvement are doing so due to the placebo effect. In other words, they feel better because they believe they feel better.

There are many more disbelievers than believers. The practice is criticized as taking advantage of vulnerable people. No harm is caused by the actual practice. However, when people do not get the medical care they need, the absence of that care can be very detrimental to their health.

The Catholic church has announced disapproval of this practice. They consider it inappropriate since it is incompatible with Christian doctrine and shows no health benefits. It is not used in any Catholic health care centers or used by Catholic chaplains or anyone associated with the Church.

There are sacred symbols the Reiki Masters use in a practice known as attunement. First, he or she must reach the requisite level of attunement. Without having done that, they cannot administer to others with the necessary power. A symbol is traced in the air followed by the sacred name being repeated three times.

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