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Understanding Red Light Therapy For Wrinkles - covid-19 tracker


Understanding Red Light Therapy For Wrinkles

By Elaine Guthrie

Anyone can buy a boatload of anti-aging beauty and skincare products to fill an entire vanity or medicine closet with lotions, liquids and creams. There's also no dearth of surgical procedures to make aging symptoms like wrinkles vanish for the moment. But red light therapy for wrinkles is a rather innovative technique that is increasingly popular these days.

It is an established science that phototherapy, also known as heliotherapy, is able to help patients suffering from a range of disorders. This includes skin problems like acne and eczema, healing of open wounds, and even cancer. It's also been effectively used for helping people suffering from stress, depression or sleep disorders.

There are two types of phototherapies. One is the non-targeted type, wherein people are told to get exposure to sunlight, either directly or through a reflecting lightbox. The other is the targeted type in which a specific part of the skin is subjected to light rays from man-made sources such as LEDs, lasers and gas lamps.

Red light therapy is one of the targeted techniques, focused on getting rid of wrinkles below the eyes. One important distinction to remember is that this is different from infrared rays that cannot be seen directly by the human eye. Researchers at Germany's University of Ulm showed how visible rays in the red spectrum are medically beneficial.

It's all about elastin. This protein is what keeps skin elastic by controlling the producing of collagen as needed. When a person starts aging, these elastin fibers go out of whack and there's not collagen to help the skin bounce back, both literally and figuratively. The end result is that the skin is increasingly more stretched and baggy, and this is what is called wrinkles.

The root cause of the problem is that as a person ages, water layers surrounding the elastin fibers change and disrupt the normal functioning. Under such situations, when a particular patch of skin gets subjected to high-intensity visible light rays, the blood circulation gets a sudden boost and the elastin is freed up to continue its work. More collagen gets produced, and the skin will quickly regain its normal health.

This is a simple process that is entirely painless and non-invasive. Abnormalities such as wounds and wrinkles will go away quickly. If the skin is already healthy, this procedure will give it a new healthy sheen as the excess collagen makes an impact.

There are many skincare clinics and beauty salons that already use FDA approved phototherapy devices. There are also home-use devices available that can produce the same results. It is usually some kind of head gear that emits the rays around the eyes, with goggles worn to protect the eyes.

Note that it needs to be used with caution and for a limited duration only. The intense rays of red light therapy may get rid of wrinkles, but overuse will be harmful for that part of the skin. The suggested usage is for no more than a minute for around 3-4 times a day at most. In any case, people with other medical conditions or a history of skin-related disorders should consult a dermatologist before opting for any kind of skincare or healing treatment.

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